Discoverypoint School of Massage

Massage Therapy Education 2018 Washington State

Massage Therapy Education 2018 Washington State


Massage therapy education in Washington State, as well as, the U.S. and all over the world is booming and is going to increase in 2018. It’s an undisputed fact that massage therapy is one of the most rewarding and flexible careers that one can excel and achieve financial independence.


The demand for licensed therapists is springing up at different locations such as at spas, on cruise ships, fitness centers, offices, as well as, on demand freelancing.


Massage offers the client health benefits that cannot be overlooked and massage therapy education will make you successful no matter where you work. Of all the alternative treatments that have been in existence, massage therapy is the most popular and has grown into a billion dollar industry. All ages of healthy and unhealthy people are taking advantage of the great benefits and positive results that massage can yield.


A State approved massage school can provide you with both basic and advanced skills needed to become a successful therapist in the field. A balanced massage therapy education combines theory and practical hands on lab experience, in class lectures, off-site outreach, and on site public clinics.


Conventionally speaking it is the job of a massage therapist to manipulate the muscles as well as other soft tissues of a person’s body. By virtue of their touch, therapists alleviate pain, help heal an array of injuries, facilitate better circulation of the blood, relieve stress, increase relaxation and bring about the general wellness of an individual. A good massage therapist is an asset to acquire and utilize.


Licensed massage therapists such as in Seattle, are regulated by the Washington State Department of Health Board of Massage. In order to get a proper, legal and active license, an individual must have the following requirements and State approved training curriculum to practice professionally:


  • At least 130 hours anatomy as well as physiology
  • A minimum of 40 hours kinesiology instruction
  • 50 hours training in pathology
  • 265 hours theory and practice including technique
  • 55 hours clinical and business practices
  • Red Cross first aid certification
  • CPR certification
  • 4 hours HIV/AIDS discussion is mandatory
  • Pass a national and State exam


Beyond this, every two years, licensed massage therapists are required to complete 24 hours of continuing education credits. This CE includes:


  • A minimum of 8+ hours direct massage skills training
  • A minimum of 4+ hours of professional ethics, communication, or review of state laws and regulations
  • 2 hours review of professional roles and boundaries


Once you have passed your State licensing requirements, you can go on to seek employment as a freelancer, as well as, with an employer. You can rest assured that there are plenty of employment opportunities in most states. According to most experts when speaking about the massage therapist job outlook, Washington State and it’s incredibly tech heavy culture serve as a perfect match for anyone looking to become a massage therapist. Irrespective of which part of the U.S. or the World you happen to reside in, if you are considering taking up massage therapy as a full time career, then Seattle is a an obvious pick. Most often than not, massage therapists work in different kinds of settings including:


  • Spas

In this day and age, you will be surprised to note that there are innumerable people who go to spas on a regular basis. On visiting the spa, they do not merely wish to opt for a hair spa or a tan; on the contrary they hope to avail the services of a massage therapist. If you are good at what you do, seeking employment in any one of the high end spas, should be a profitable venture.


  • Fitness Centers

Nowadays there are many gyms and fitness centers which prefer to have in house massage therapists. In this way, clients and club members can avail of the services of the massage therapists as and when required. Having massage therapists on board is especially handy, when clients are looking to relax after an intense workout.


  • Clubs and Hotels

When speaking of the massage therapist job outlook, it would delight you to note that all major clubs as well as hotels have a number of massage therapists on board to offer therapy as an added amenity when required. When working in most renowned clubs, you can rest assured that you will get to enjoy a number of benefits, whether medical or otherwise.


  • Hospitals

One of the best places for a massage therapist to work is in a hospital or therapy center. This is owing to the fact that the pay here is great and additionally you are sure to get medical insurance and other benefits. When working in an atmosphere like this, you are also bound to learn a number of medical things pertaining to your field of work.


  • High End Offices

We truly live in a fast paced environment, where everyone is competing to be number one. Being a part of this rat race, might seem exhilarating initially, but over time it does take a toll on one’s health. It is primarily for this reason that nowadays many high end offices make it a point to have at least one massage therapist on board in order to help employees relax, feel better, and be more productive.


  • Going It Alone

If you have the freelance and entrepreneurial drive to work independently then you can have that lifestyle as a massage therapist. Through hard work, dedication, desire, perseverance, and education, all your dreams can become a reality as a professional therapist.


When statistically speaking of a massage therapist’s job outlook, the employment of massage therapists is projected to grow by approximately 24 percent between the years 2018 and 2024 as according to industry experts.  This is indeed a much faster rate than the average of all occupations. It is the continuous increase in the demand for massage services and health benefits that will eventually lead to even more openings for new massage therapists.


Though the medium annual wage of any massage therapist is roughly $39,860 dollars a year according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, if you are exceptional at what you do and are indispensable to the organization you work with, chances are that your pay will be significantly more than this.


You may be curious about the cost of a massage therapy education and license. If the math is done properly, it will equate to a fee between the range of $6,000 – $10, 000. This cost does not reflect some other fees and expenses that may be incurred. When you become a licensed massage therapist, either working alone or at an institution, you can rest assured that you will enjoy a fulfilling and prosperous career as a well-respected health professional.




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