Discoverypoint School of Massage

Advantages To Practicing The Trager Approach

Advantages To Practicing The Trager Approach

Trager Approach Certification Seattle Washington

There are numerous advantages to becoming a certified Trager practitioner when you decide to enter the profession of a Licensed Massage Therapist. One practice that will differentiate you from other massage therapist is by learning and mastering the somatic practice of the Trager Approach. Developed by Dr. Milton Trager over a period of 65 years, this innovative approach blends touch, movement, and reading the client’s habitual movement patterns. The Trager Approach is very effective in easing a wide range of conditions and can aid in healing body ailments comfortably.


There are quite a few massage schools in the Seattle area that offer the Trager Program to prepare for certification as a Trager Practitioner. Through a combination of classroom instruction, supervised practice, tutorials, and fieldwork, students experience, practice, and develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes central to being a Trager practitioner. The Trager Approach emphasizes both the passive aspect which is referred to as the tablework, and the active aspect of the Approach which is called Mentastics®. Mentastics® is a term coined by the Tragers to describe mind-guided movements that are meant to manifest freely and with little effort. These movements form a passive individualized performance of massage sessions which are used to link the mind and body for optimal performance. Movements are never forced so that there is no induced pain or discomfort to the client.


A practitioner who utilizes the Trager Approach moves their client in ways the client naturally moves, and with a more non-intrusive quality of touch, allows the recipient to release deep-seated physical and mental patterns, deep relaxation, increased physical mobility, and mental clarity. As with all body-centered therapies, the success of Trager Therapy is dependent on the skills of the practitioner.


Thus, incorporating the skills of the Trager Approach to massage gives the licensed professional massage therapist a unique directive in that they find themselves responding more deeply to what they are feeling in the client rather than following a protocol, a skill that engages the client as a partner in the healing process. Licensed massage therapists that become certified in the Trager Approach will not only help give their clients a better massage experience, but will find a new level of joy in their work and advance their knowledge, reputation and professional skills tremendously.


Getting certified as a Trager Practitioner is an achievement that is highly recognized worldwide in the licensed massage therapy field. To become involved and certified in Tragerwork, a trainee must first undergo Trager therapy sessions themselves, and then complete more than 250 hours of training which can take one to two years. Finding a reputable school that offers Trager curriculum, as well as, continuing education will give you an advance skill that will excel your licensed massage therapist career.

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